This projects theme is 'sustainance'. As a group, we've been given the task of coming up with a market stall in relation to this idea. Some ideas that came from the group were market stalls selling musical instruments, clocks, second hand books, clothing.... amongst many others. My idea was plants, because i figured, what could be more sustainable than plants? At first i wasn't sure what i would specifically sell in my stall .... would i deal in seeds, ornamental plants, culinary plants, crops.etc....
But, after a little bit of thought about what might offer the best ideas in terms of architecture, i decided upon the culinary and ornamental side of things. This might include essential oils, spices, herbal remedies, pressed flowers and pot pourri, among other things. It conjured up images of coloured bottles and stained glass, and hidden treasures... the flower element brought a diverse set of ideas as well, such as transluscency, fragility and layering. Playing with light became a huge part of my focus as a result, and it will be interesting to see where this takes me.
Below are some google images that i found very dynamic, and there are certain features of them that i found very inspiring and that i think will help my progress along.

Bottles and Stained Glass - beautiful materials and also create this lighting effect I'm interested in. The filtering of colours, and how they mix and blend together, in the same way oils and fragrances might.
I loved this image, and it really seemed to capture the effect I am looking for. This idea of mixing colours, and layering that I have been searching for is best explained, at least at the moment, by this image.

Note the transluscent flower petals, and the gentle overlapping at the centre of the flower. At the points of overlap, the colour appears stronger and more vivid. This is an idea i would like to work with.

I found this form very interesting, and i liked how they had used the material itself to create this shape. I felt as though the last three images really captured how one material (in this case flowers and other plant matter) could be used to create a whole new image, beyond the typical idea of the form of a plant or flower.
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