Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Friday Night: The Beginnings of my design

I started putting my design up on Friday night - figured i better try and get a head start on things. I found this little block of land right on the boundary of Kaiako, which, although sounds like a peculiar choice of setting, fitted nicely, since in the actual setting the site is pinned between 2 buildings, and exposed to the same two sides.
You'll notice i'm putting in a whole lot of stairs all over the place... probably isn't helping the prim shortage, and it took me a while to me them all. But the purpose, and i suppose main reason for the high number of stairs is verticality. In a restricted area, i wanted to create a large space (get more for my money basically) and build up. Not only will this seperate me from the surroundings of the more urban landscape at higher levels... it will also enable me to enhance the views, and seperate work areas via height to a platform seperate from most other buildings (exceptions would be vector arena and to a degree, the train station).

The walls work with this idea of keeping things vertical and elongated. This was part of my initial design, but i enhanced it further using inspiration drawn from Amrita's sculpti I obtained. It was very vertical, and pointed (i'll flick a picture up sometime soon) and was almost like an inverted wall of my building.

As explained, 'building up' was something I felt quite strongly about, and with Amrita's sculpti, helped informed the shape.

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