Thursday, 16 June 2011

Making My Sculpti Cushions!

The last thing I got around to on Secondlife was sculpti-making. This was actually a pretty cool process, and if you got good at it you could probably create almost anything with it. But because I'm anything BUT a pro, I settled for some cute lil heart cushions haha. Ornamental AND practical, especially in a library :) It was tricky to get the hang of how to make the sculpti, as it seems to need to be done in a particular order to work. I followed this site very closely for how to go abouts doing so, and even then it still took me a while!
But when it DID work, it was exciting hehe. I also had to download this little programme called Tokoroten, which is surprisingly impressive for something that looks like a basic gridding programme!

My Tree House :)

I envisioned a house that sits amongst the trees, and probably took the directions of 'treehouse' a little beyond reality.... ah well!


These are a bit strange, i'll admit. But somewhere in my mind, i liked the idea of having tv/ dispaly panels that were there sometimes... and then not there at other times. So, from a distance it's a wall, but when you get closer up the texture appears.
We linked some awesome and useful, (or awesome AND useful haha) links on these for good measure. One in particular, links to a youtube clip relating to Elena's 'Azure' Journal. If you ever have time, check it out! It made us laugh =D
My avatar always stares at blank walls. I've tried to talk to her about it but she insists she sees things that, in time, i may one day see too.

ALAS, it is a link to a youtube clip!

Uniquely Disco

I HAD to write on this! We made this floor out of the stock standard prim, and then, using a script, brought it to life. Thing is, it was supposed to flicker when walked across.... but we couldn't find a script that could do it! There's a way I'm sure, but just couldn't work it out.... It might not be exactly what we aimed for, but we liked the effect in the end! Now visitors can get into the crazed aura of the building :)
Shots to Tessa who found the script for this!

My Offsets

That's right. A whole post dedicated to my offsets haha :D i must admit right... i enjoyed offsetting! So hence this post. Well. I did two offsets in the end... I would've happily done more but it might've been a little overkill :P

The first offest wasn't terribly creative,  but did take me a long time on photoshop. Still, I was happy with the result! It was an acoustic wall image I created, inspired by my journal 'Journal of the Audio Engineering Society'. This journal had a lot about sound frequencies and how these can be manipulated by different design aspects.

This is my second, more interesting offset that I put on a ramp I made around the side of the building. Combined, they capture ideas from two of my journals. The offset image comes from the 'AA Files' "Experimentation" section. It started as an image I took directly from the book... becasue they were awesome photos! So I stated with that image, used the stamp tool and warped up an already intense, colourful image, spent some time scribbling the words 'experimentation' across it in the colours from the libraries scheme.... and voila! Visual insanity!
Additionally, the other idea comes from 'Access by Design'. This was a journal about making buildings easily accessible to people with disabilities. Ramps are important, especially for wheel chair bound visitors. Seated elevators (rather than stairs) were also used.

The Beginning of the Story: Building the Giant Mosaic Wall

This was one part of the building we were really keen to make work.... even if it meant a far bit of effort! We all contributed in the building of it in some  way, whether it be the prim rotating, or the prim leveling... or the coloured glass stretched to fit every gap (it was pretty time consuming in all honesty but when you want something enough). It was inspired by a mixture of ideas, with the colour (and ongoing colour scheme) inspired from an article in my journal 'AA Files'. There was a big three page full colour spread full of colourful images and crazy shapes... hopefully the inspiration shown through! Here are just a few photos of it coming together.

First step: Fitting the glass panels into the wall! This involved manipulating other prims (normally pyramids or prisms), flattening them down, stretching them out to fot the gaps.... and some more :P

Later on: Evening the prims! This is near the end, so probably feeling pretty happy at this point
The  finished result! Worth it :)

Photo time =)

I never uploaded these photos before because, as you might see on an older post, I couldn't get it to work! So I thought I'd better hurry up and have another go at it .... and I must say, it's pretty apparent i've come a long way since then hehe

When i went to upload these I realised how many photos i'd taken. I must have been pretty proud of myself haha, ah back in the days before scripting!
As a side note, I choose a youtube clip because youtube is probably one of my most visited sites, and i figured it'd look cool if there was a moving image on it, like a giant tv :)